Saturday 9 April 2016

The 'Decent' Murderers

'Explain it'
'I don't know if I can, but I can try a bit'
'you are leaving us with no option'
Spoiler alert: Its another tale describing one to million
'Its true, yes, I'm into her'
'shut this stupid non-sense. What happened last night there?'
'I'll describe, but I'm afraid,
Afraid that none of you might understand,
Lets leave it to humanity. I shall proceed'
'shut up! What you did?'
'I went for a walk, probably into  unknown suburbs,
Proper moonlit night, tough road, many shrubs,
It was celebration of the fate, I was somehow invited,
Surrounded by other ladies, she was there, gently seated,
I saw her, then she returned the sight,
She was typical to get at one, beautiful soul, sad eyes, hands tied,
Breaths low, forehead drenched in sweat, ears blotched,
Crying eyes, burning brain, legs weak,
No shoes, shot down foots, probably stepped bleak,
Body with tags, hungry heart, a watch on wrist,
Scratched linen, sparkling neighbors, tragic gist,
Dried lips, face colorless, red back'
'Is he diverting us? Shut the f#©< up, and get back'
'I approached, "May I join you?",
Her dissapointed eyes, squeezed heart, happy hands though,
"will you be able, its tough, this pain. No you can't!", she probably checked.
"You, get his stuff packed"
"I can, I surely can"
"Go. Go away, and impress some other, lies don't work on me, not a fan",
"Hold this hand. I promise to walk till end"
She held. Shaking nerves, weak fingers, she was probably terrified,
I played the blues. And...and we danced,
We danced till our legs didn't stopped,
We kissed, till our heart ached,
We traveled to infinity,
A place beyond the controls of deity,
We were ahead of time,
I felt her soul, she did mine,
We experienced immortality,
We shared pain, given by the city,
The return was difficult,
Laid in darkness, finished in cult,
But we were compelled,
The clock ran out, well,
Sadly, she was lost,
I couldn't find her, I searched a lot,
She was divine. Above you all.
I returned, she didn't. She fell.
She fell into painful-heaven.
She saw a dark-light,
She won a lost-fight.
She was free. She found herself,
She broke your chains, I helped her myself,
She was an angel, just you saw a witch,
You've turned a many of 'em, I'm sure of which,
Now its time for me to smile, and accept,
Yes I loved her. Like a magic, infact'
'why the hell are you laughing?'
'Look at you, stunned. I knew you won't understand'
'We don't care to. All we want to know is, if you did or not?',
'yes I did. I can roar that'
'Any apologies for bringing this shame to our society'
'I'm proud of it. Better you remove that strip off your eyes'
'Funny. Any last wish? Its on me'
'If you ever find her, convey this message, "I've left. Will meet you soon,
Waiting outside the oblivion of heaven and hell,
Just to see, which way you proceed,
I'll follow you there,
Cos I know, there's nothing like a heaven or hell,
But, you're BEAUTIFUL,
I'll miss you up there, but you better not die soon,
Live this new life,
Live it to the end. Bye", that's it'
A million of gun shots were recorded that day,
The sky turned yellow,
The land was painted red,
Most importantly, what newspaper read,
It was hilarious, on the face of humanity,
"A teenager broke into a brothel, managed to kidnap a prostitute. Found. Shot to death"
They killed a thought.
They ended up an era.
They all.


  1. A well written poem.

    from where you got the inspiration? "Talaash"

    and this is what girls in prostitution would really want. i think this might be there only dream to leave this 'profession' anyway they can. And somehow yo let them live one in your poem.

    1. Thanks a lot for the appreciation!
      Talking about inspiration. Its just the way I let my thoughts to vent out. I just hunch over my phone and write whatever comes into my mind. Maybe some of the past concerns or the present issues.
      I haven't seen that movie, Talaash, yet. Planning to cut out a slack of time for that too.

  2. wohh man, you have just added one more in the list of your fans
    a theme that only few could think of
    and the way you wrote that
    great writing.
